A mission statement is a statement of the purpose of a company, organization or person; its reason for existing; a written declaration of an organization’s core purpose and focus that normally remains unchanged over time.
The holidays are here. Do you have a plan? You might consider creating a Holiday Mission Statement to get yourself started. A mission statement can be your guide for the holidays. It can keep you focused on your goals.
The first step to creating a Holiday Mission Statement is to start asking questions. Talk with your spouse and discuss questions like this :
- ✓ What is our budget ?
- ✓ What do we want to teach our children this season ?
- ✓ Are there some new experiences to share with our children ?
- ✓ Is there anything we want to do different this year ?
Now you are ready to bring the family together and have a family meeting. Some more questions could include :
- ✓ What is your favorite family tradition ?
- ✓ What do you remember from last year? Your favorite memory ?
- ✓ What are you most looking forward to? What are you dreading ?
- ✓ What was your favorite way/thing to give to others ?
You may be amazed at the things your children remember and want to do again this year. From here you have can make a mission statement. Just a sentence will do. This will keep you focused on the traditions the are the most meaningful to your family.
It may be a little late to do a Thanksgiving family mission statement but you can still do one for Christmas. Have fun with this and let us know how it goes.We would love to hear some of your mission statements. Enjoy the Season!